Mythos.Oracles MDTAMYTH ï ˚·ØSt∞ªO ÅÅé ,From what part of Ymir is Midgard made from? His eyebrows His heart His skull His nose 'What are the names of Odin’s two birds?from? Hugin and Munin Hungall and Mebane Hothar and Macorn Hinnin and Mollos What does ‘Gullveig’ mean?’s two birds?from? Drunk with gold-lust
Great evild Mebane Heroismand Macorn Proving groundsos What does ‘Hugin’ mean?an?’s two birds?from? Thoughtith gold-lust Memoryevild Mebane Wisdommand Macorn Powerng groundsos What does ‘Munin’ mean?an?’s two birds?from? Memorytith gold-lust Thoughtvild Mebane Wisdommand Macorn Powerng groundsos What does ‘Skuld’ mean?an?’s two birds?from?
The Future gold-lust The Pastild Mebane The PresentMacorn Infinitygroundsos What does ‘Urda’ mean??an?’s two birds?from? The Pastre gold-lust The Present Mebane
The FuturetMacorn Infinitygroundsos What does ‘Verdandi’ mean?’s two birds?from? The Presentgold-lust The Pastent Mebane
The FuturetMacorn Infinitygroundsos What is Fensalir?di’ mean?’s two birds?from? A palace in Asgardst The city of Giants A mystic auracorn A three-headed wolf What is Giallar??di’ mean?’s two birds?from? Heimdall’s hornardst Thor’s hammeriants Odin’s horseacorn Loki’s wolfded wolf What is Jotunheim?i’ mean?’s two birds?from? The city of giantsst A palace in Asgard The home of Manrn The hall of dead warriors -What is the name of the Norse world of Death? Niflheim of giantsst Midgarde in Asgard
Muspelheimf Manrn Ginnumgagup dead warriors What is Odin’s principal weapon?rld of Death? A spearm of giantsst A great swordsgard A mystical hammer A clubgagup dead warriors What is Odin’s sacred bird?apon?rld of Death? A ravenm of giantsst A nightinggalegard A hawkical hammer An eaglegup dead warriors What is Ragnorak?cred bird?apon?rld of Death? The end of the world A festival of the gods A coming-of-age for gods a mystical rited warriors *What is the country of the Elves of Light?th? Alfheim of the world Niflheimal of the gods
Muspelheimf-age for gods Jotunheiml rited warriors !What is the name of Freyr’s ship?of Light?th? Skidbladnirthe world Skrymirmal of the gods Skynkyleimf-age for gods SkySailorl rited warriors What is the name of Hela’s hall??of Light?th? Elvidnernirthe world Helymirmal of the gods Jotunheimmf-age for gods Fensalirrl rited warriors *What is the name of the Adder of Darkness?th? Nidhoggenirthe world Niflheimal of the gods Niordheimmf-age for gods Nikkiernrl rited warriors )What is the Norse name for the first man??th? Askroggenirthe world Agheimimal of the gods Borrdheimmf-age for gods Bestlarnrl rited warriors #What is the name of the Great Void?t man??th? Ginnumgagupthe world
Muspelheim of the gods Niflheimmmf-age for gods Yggdrasill rited warriors %What is the name of the Land of Fire?man??th?
Muspelheimpthe world Niflheimim of the gods Ginnumgagup-age for gods Midgardill rited warriors 'What is the name of the Rainbow Bridge?n??th? Bifrosteimpthe world Irisheimim of the gods Colorheimup-age for gods Chromadill rited warriors %What is the name of the Tree of Fate?e?n??th? Yggdrasilmpthe world The one treef the gods Ragnorakmup-age for gods Bolthorrll rited warriors "What is the name of Thor’s hammer?te?e?n??th? Mjolnirilmpthe world Big Red treef the gods Thunder Spawnge for gods Myornorrll rited warriors What is the name of Ymir’s cow?er?te?e?n??th? Audhumblampthe world Asgardd treef the gods Antioch Spawnge for gods Augerellal rited warriors 0What is the name of the chain that binds Fenris? Gleipnirampthe world
Glassbraideef the gods Gleinningheimge for gods Gleppneral rited warriors What killed Balder? the chain that binds Fenris? Mistletoempthe world Hollybraideef the gods Pine needlesmge for gods Holly berriested warriors "Who accompanies Thor to Jotunheim? binds Fenris? Lokiletoempthe world Balderraideef the gods Utgard-Lokismge for gods Tyrly berriested warriors Who are the Valkyries?o Jotunheim? binds Fenris? Battle maidens world Storm giantsf the gods Disembodied spirits gods A race of dragonswarriors "Who are Urda, Verdandi, and Skuld? binds Fenris? Nornse maidens world Frost giantsf the gods Thor’s sons spirits gods
Minor godsdragonswarriors Who does Loki fight at Ragnorak?d? binds Fenris? Heimdallaidens world Odint giantsf the gods Thor’s sons spirits gods Fenrirgodsdragonswarriors #Who does Thor wrestle at Jotunheim?binds Fenris? Ellidallaidens world Lokit giantsf the gods Skrymirsons spirits gods Hugiirgodsdragonswarriors Who guards the Rainbow Bridge?heim?binds Fenris? Heimdallaidens world Baldergiantsf the gods Freyrirsons spirits gods Sigurdgodsdragonswarriors !Who guards the Well of Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? Mimirallaidens world Lokiergiantsf the gods Askrrirsons spirits gods Siegfriedsdragonswarriors Who is Balder’s mother?Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? Friggallaidens world Heraergiantsf the gods Sigunarsons spirits gods Helafriedsdragonswarriors Who is Bragi’s wife?er?Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? Idunaallaidens world Irisergiantsf the gods Islheimsons spirits gods Isunhildasdragonswarriors Who is Bragi?s wife?er?Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? The God of Poetryrld The God of Nature gods The God of Wisdomts gods A Frost Giantgonswarriors Who is Fafnir? wife?er?Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? A dragonof Poetryrld An elfd of Nature gods Thor’s brotherdomts gods Loki’s guardiannswarriors Who is Gunnar’s mother?Knowledge?m?binds Fenris? Griemhildf Poetryrld Brynhildof Nature gods Frigga brotherdomts gods Hela’s guardiannswarriors Who is king of Jotunheim?owledge?m?binds Fenris? Utgard-LokiPoetryrld Lokihildof Nature gods Umberonbrotherdomts gods Skrymirguardiannswarriors Who is Loki’s wife?nheim?owledge?m?binds Fenris? Sigynd-LokiPoetryrld Sifihildof Nature gods Helaronbrotherdomts gods Freyairguardiannswarriors Who is Nanna? wife?nheim?owledge?m?binds Fenris? Balder’s Wifeetryrld
A Valkyrie Nature gods Goddess of Loveomts gods One of the Nornsswarriors Who is Odin’s wife?nheim?owledge?m?binds Fenris? Frigga’s Wifeetryrld Freyakyrie Nature gods Sifdess of Loveomts gods Helaof the Nornsswarriors Who is Sigurd’s father?m?owledge?m?binds Fenris? Sigmunds Wifeetryrld Siegfriede Nature gods Lief Eriksonoveomts gods Erik the Redornsswarriors #Who is the blind brother of Balder?binds Fenris? Hodernds Wifeetryrld Freyfriede Nature gods NjordEriksonoveomts gods Hoenirhe Redornsswarriors Who is the giant Thor meets?Balder?binds Fenris? Skrymirs Wifeetryrld Skuldriede Nature gods Skelruffksonoveomts gods Skylarre Redornsswarriors !Who is the Norse god of mischief?r?binds Fenris? Lokimirs Wifeetryrld Thordriede Nature gods Balderffksonoveomts gods Vidarrre Redornsswarriors Who is the Norse god of thunder??r?binds Fenris? Thormirs Wifeetryrld Odindriede Nature gods Lokierffksonoveomts gods Marsrrre Redornsswarriors Who is the Norse god of war?der??r?binds Fenris? Tyrrmirs Wifeetryrld Thordriede Nature gods Heimdallksonoveomts gods Lokirrre Redornsswarriors ,Who is the Norse goddess of love and beauty?ris? Freyairs Wifeetryrld Friggaiede Nature gods Heladallksonoveomts gods Sigynrre Redornsswarriors Who is the king of the Aesir?ove and beauty?ris? Odinairs Wifeetryrld Thorgaiede Nature gods Zeusdallksonoveomts gods Jupitere Redornsswarriors Who is the king of the Giukungs? and beauty?ris? Gunnarrs Wifeetryrld Gunnkingde Nature gods Lokidallksonoveomts gods Odintere Redornsswarriors Who is Thor’s servant? Giukungs? and beauty?ris? Thialfis Wifeetryrld Thexdergde Nature gods Thorslingsonoveomts gods Thiagale Redornsswarriors Who is Ymir?s servant? Giukungs? and beauty?ris? The first giantryrld Thor’s brotherure gods Loki’s servanteomts gods The first manrnsswarriors Who made Thor’s hammer?Giukungs? and beauty?ris? The Black Elvesryrld The Elves of Lightgods The Frost Giantsmts gods Odinfirst manrnsswarriors Who races Thialfi at Jotunheim?? and beauty?ris? HugiBlack Elvesryrld ThorElves of Lightgods Balderost Giantsmts gods Ellifirst manrnsswarriors Who rules Muspelheim?Jotunheim?? and beauty?ris? Surturack Elvesryrld Utgard-Lokif Lightgods Skrymirst Giantsmts gods Helafirst manrnsswarriors %Who tried to ransom Balder from Hela?beauty?ris? Hermodack Elvesryrld Thorrd-Lokif Lightgods Lokimirst Giantsmts gods Heimdallt manrnsswarriors Whose hand did Fenris bite off? Hela?beauty?ris? Tyrmodack Elvesryrld Thorrd-Lokif Lightgods Balderrst Giantsmts gods Lokidallt manrnsswarriors "Who is the Greek king of the gods?la?beauty?ris? Zeusodack Elvesryrld Amen-RaLokif Lightgods Odinerrst Giantsmts gods Jupiterlt manrnsswarriors "Who is the Roman king of the gods?la?beauty?ris? Jupiterck Elvesryrld Amen-RaLokif Lightgods Odinerrst Giantsmts gods Zeusterlt manrnsswarriors Who is Zeus’s father? of the gods?la?beauty?ris? Cronusrck Elvesryrld JupiterLokif Lightgods Titanrrst Giantsmts gods Uranusrlt manrnsswarriors &Where did the Greek & Roman gods live?eauty?ris? Mt. Olympuslvesryrld AsgardrLokif Lightgods Mt. Aetna Giantsmts gods Nirvanalt manrnsswarriors Where are the Titans imprisoned? live?eauty?ris? Tartaruspuslvesryrld A dungeon in Olympusds Hadesetna Giantsmts gods The Great Voidnsswarriors $Who is the Roman god with two faces?e?eauty?ris? Janusruspuslvesryrld Numinaeon in Olympusds Penatesna Giantsmts gods Plutoreat Voidnsswarriors (Who are Oceanus, Hyperion and Mnemosyne?uty?ris? Titansuspuslvesryrld
Greek godsin Olympusds
Roman godsGiantsmts gods Musesreat Voidnsswarriors What is the Roman name for Hera?emosyne?uty?ris? Junonsuspuslvesryrld Venus godsin Olympusds Diana godsGiantsmts gods Athenaeat Voidnsswarriors #What is the Greek name for Neptune?syne?uty?ris? Poiseidonuslvesryrld Oceanusodsin Olympusds AquariusdsGiantsmts gods Hydrogust Voidnsswarriors "What is the Roman name for Hestia??syne?uty?ris? Vestaidonuslvesryrld Minervaodsin Olympusds AthenausdsGiantsmts gods Isisogust Voidnsswarriors What is the Greek name for Mars?a??syne?uty?ris? Aresaidonuslvesryrld Ariesvaodsin Olympusds AiresausdsGiantsmts gods Airiesust Voidnsswarriors "What is the Roman name for Athena??syne?uty?ris? Minervaonuslvesryrld Hestiaaodsin Olympusds VestaausdsGiantsmts gods Dianasust Voidnsswarriors !What is the Greek name for Venus???syne?uty?ris? Aphroditeuslvesryrld Dianaaaodsin Olympusds MinervasdsGiantsmts gods Artemisst Voidnsswarriors "What is the Roman name for Hermes??syne?uty?ris? Mercuryteuslvesryrld Apolloaodsin Olympusds
HephaestusGiantsmts gods Aresmisst Voidnsswarriors !What is the Greek name for Diana???syne?uty?ris? Artemisteuslvesryrld Athenaaodsin Olympusds AphroditesGiantsmts gods Venusisst Voidnsswarriors &What is the Roman name for Hephaestus?e?uty?ris? Vulcansteuslvesryrld Panenaaodsin Olympusds PlutoditesGiantsmts gods Penatesst Voidnsswarriors %Who are Dionysus, Hypnos and Demeter??e?uty?ris?
Greek godsslvesryrld
Roman godsin Olympusds TitansitesGiantsmts gods Musesesst Voidnsswarriors $Who are Urania, Thalia and Calliope???e?uty?ris? Muses godsslvesryrld Titansgodsin Olympusds FatessitesGiantsmts gods Moiraisst Voidnsswarriors Who is Morpheus?Thalia and Calliope???e?uty?ris? The god of dreamsrld The god of sleepmpusds The god of nightmts gods The god of drugsswarriors %Who are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos??e?uty?ris? Fatesod of dreamsrld Titansd of sleepmpusds Musesod of nightmts gods Lovers of Zeusgsswarriors Who is Hypnos?, Lachesis and Atropos??e?uty?ris? The god of sleepsrld The god of trancesusds The god of dreamsts gods The god of nightswarriors !Who cut the Greek thread of Fate?pos??e?uty?ris? Atrophosof sleepsrld Clothod of trancesusds Lachesisof dreamsts gods Nyx god of nightswarriors Who is the brother of Hypnos?ate?pos??e?uty?ris? Thantossof sleepsrld Morpheusof trancesusds Nyxhesisof dreamsts gods Pan god of nightswarriors Who is Persephones’ mother?s?ate?pos??e?uty?ris? Demetersof sleepsrld Dianaeusof trancesusds Aphroditef dreamsts gods Junogod of nightswarriors $Who is the Greek nature god of wine???e?uty?ris? Dionysusof sleepsrld Pannaeusof trancesusds
Bachanelia dreamsts gods Hermesd of nightswarriors Who is Athena’s father? god of wine???e?uty?ris? Zeusysusof sleepsrld Jupitersof trancesusds Apolloelia dreamsts gods Cronusd of nightswarriors *What did Persephone eat in the underworld?y?ris? A pomegranite seedld An oliveof trancesusds
Breadfruit dreamsts gods Bread & waterghtswarriors Who were Dionysus’s attendants?underworld?y?ris? Satyrsgranite seedld Centaursof trancesusds Wood nymphsdreamsts gods Dryads& waterghtswarriors -What is the name of the Roman household gods?is? Laressgranite seedld Penatessof trancesusds Vestal virginsamsts gods Noriads waterghtswarriors (Who are the Roman gods of the storeroom?gods?is? Penatesranite seedld Laresessof trancesusds Noriadsvirginsamsts gods Satyrss waterghtswarriors "Who is the Greek god of the night?eroom?gods?is? Nyxatesranite seedld Thanatosof trancesusds Morpheusirginsamsts gods Panyrss waterghtswarriors Who is the Greek god of death?ght?eroom?gods?is? Thanatosanite seedld Morpheusof trancesusds Hypnosusirginsamsts gods Nyxyrss waterghtswarriors #Who is the Greek goddess of wisdom?room?gods?is? Athenaosanite seedld Dianaeusof trancesusds Aphroditerginsamsts gods Junorss waterghtswarriors Who is the Roman god of love?isdom?room?gods?is? Cupidaosanite seedld Erosaeusof trancesusds Aphroditerginsamsts gods Venus groundsghtswarriors Who gave fire to mankind?ove?isdom?room?gods?is?
Prometheusite seedld Vulcanusof trancesusds Hephastusrginsamsts gods Pandoraroundsghtswarriors "Who is the twin brother of Pollux??room?gods?is? Castorheusite seedld Romulussof trancesusds Remusstusrginsamsts gods Castoxaroundsghtswarriors !Who is the twin brother of Remus???room?gods?is? Romuluseusite seedld Romulansof trancesusds Romularusrginsamsts gods Romanicusundsghtswarriors What is the name of the cyclops????room?gods?is?
Polyphemusite seedld Circeansof trancesusds Scyllarusrginsamsts gods Charybdisundsghtswarriors Who is the Roman god of war?ops????room?gods?is? Marsphemusite seedld Areseansof trancesusds Ariesarusrginsamsts gods Tyrrybdisundsghtswarriors 6Who are the sea nymphs who lure sailors to the deaths? Sirensemusite seedld Dryadsnsof trancesusds Oreadsrusrginsamsts gods Circesdisundsghtswarriors .What is the whirlpool monster that sank ships? deaths? Charybdissite seedld
Polyphemus trancesusds Circesrusrginsamsts gods Scylladisundsghtswarriors &Who is the king with the golden touch?k ships? deaths? Midasbdissite seedld Minoshemus trancesusds Mithralusrginsamsts gods Midonadisundsghtswarriors Who is the Greek god of love?en touch?k ships? deaths? Erossbdissite seedld Venushemus trancesusds Cupidalusrginsamsts gods Aphroditeundsghtswarriors Who retrieved the Golden Fleece?touch?k ships? deaths? Jasonbdissite seedld Heraclesus trancesusds Odysseussrginsamsts gods Herculeseundsghtswarriors (What is the rock monster who sank ships?ships? deaths? Scylladissite seedld Charybdiss trancesusds
Polyphemusginsamsts gods Circeleseundsghtswarriors !Who is the Greek goddess of love? ships?ships? deaths? Aphroditesite seedld Venusbdiss trancesusds Erosphemusginsamsts gods Cupidleseundsghtswarriors -Who is the boy who flew too close to the sun?? deaths? Icarusitesite seedld Daedalusss trancesusds Apolloemusginsamsts gods Midasleseundsghtswarriors Who is the Greek god of war?close to the sun?? deaths? Aresusitesite seedld Marsalusss trancesusds Tyrlloemusginsamsts gods Ariesleseundsghtswarriors !Who is the Roman goddess of love? to the sun?? deaths? Venussitesite seedld Erosalusss trancesusds Cupidoemusginsamsts gods Aphroditeundsghtswarriors &Who is the ferryman of the river Styx?he sun?? deaths? Charonitesite seedld Plutolusss trancesusds Scyllaemusginsamsts gods Charybdisundsghtswarriors 'Who is the Roman god of the underworld?e sun?? deaths? Hadesnitesite seedld Plutolusss trancesusds Charonemusginsamsts gods Marsybdisundsghtswarriors Who is the Greek god of the sea?rworld?e sun?? deaths? Poseidonesite seedld Neptunesss trancesusds Atlantiussginsamsts gods Oceanusisundsghtswarriors Who is the Roman god of the sea?rworld?e sun?? deaths? Neptunenesite seedld Poseidonss trancesusds Atlantiussginsamsts gods Oceanusisundsghtswarriors #Who is the Roman goddess of wisdom?rld?e sun?? deaths? Minervanesite seedld Dianadonss trancesusds Junontiussginsamsts gods Heranusisundsghtswarriors 'Who is the messenger of the Greek gods?e sun?? deaths? Hermesanesite seedld Apolloonss trancesusds Mercuryussginsamsts gods Quicksilverdsghtswarriors 'Who is the messenger of the Roman gods?e sun?? deaths? Mercurynesite seedld Apolloonss trancesusds Hermesyussginsamsts gods Quicksilverdsghtswarriors (Who is the Greek & Roman god of the sun? sun?? deaths? Apolloynesite seedld Hermesonss trancesusds Mercuryussginsamsts gods Solcksilverdsghtswarriors )Who opened the box of plagues on mankind?sun?? deaths? Pandoranesite seedld Circesonss trancesusds Herauryussginsamsts gods Junoksilverdsghtswarriors 0Which Titan supports the world on his shoulders?eaths? Atlasranesite seedld
Polyphemus trancesusds Chronusussginsamsts gods Jupiterlverdsghtswarriors Who turned sailors into swine? on his shoulders?eaths? Circeranesite seedld Pandoramus trancesusds Helenusussginsamsts gods Junoterlverdsghtswarriors "What does Ra ride through the sky?his shoulders?eaths? A boatanesite seedld A chariots trancesusds A fiery stallionsts gods A gigantic hawktswarriors #What type of head does Anubis have?is shoulders?eaths? Dogoatanesite seedld Hawkariots trancesusds Catiery stallionsts gods Ibisgantic hawktswarriors "What type of head does Thoth have??is shoulders?eaths? Ibisatanesite seedld Hawkariots trancesusds Catiery stallionsts gods Dogsgantic hawktswarriors )Which Egyptian god has the head of a cow?ulders?eaths? Hathoranesite seedld Anubisiots trancesusds Horusry stallionsts gods Khnemuntic hawktswarriors *Which Egyptian god has the head of a hawk?lders?eaths? Horusranesite seedld Khnemuiots trancesusds Hathory stallionsts gods Ptahmuntic hawktswarriors )Which Egyptian god has the head of a ram??lders?eaths? Khnemuanesite seedld Anubisiots trancesusds Hathory stallionsts gods Ptahmuntic hawktswarriors /Which Egyptian god is shown as a crowned mummy??eaths? Osirisanesite seedld Anubisiots trancesusds Hathory stallionsts gods Horusuntic hawktswarriors $Which Egyptian god supports the sky?wned mummy??eaths? Shurisanesite seedld Anubisiots trancesusds Horusry stallionsts gods Ptahsuntic hawktswarriors 4Which Egyptian god is the master artist & craftsman?s? Ptahisanesite seedld Anubisiots trancesusds Hathory stallionsts gods Shuhsuntic hawktswarriors *Which is NOT a symbol of the sun in Egypt?craftsman?s? Chariotnesite seedld Obeliskots trancesusds Scarab Beetleionsts gods Uraeus Cobraawktswarriors .Which was NOT embalmed in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? Cobraotnesite seedld Catliskots trancesusds Crocodileetleionsts gods Ibisus Cobraawktswarriors Who is Bast?T embalmed in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? Goddess of musicedld A sun goddessancesusds Goddess of childbirthods Queen of the godswarriors Who is Geb??T embalmed in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? The Earth godsicedld The god of Justiceusds The god of fertilityhods The sun gode godswarriors Who is Horus’s mother? in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? IsisEarth godsicedld Irisgod of Justiceusds Osirusd of fertilityhods Anubisn gode godswarriors Who is Samal?s mother? in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? Mother of Vulturesld Goddess of Healingusds Goddess of Wartilityhods Wife of Danelgodswarriors Who is Shu?l?s mother? in Egyptian cemeteries?tsman?s? God of light & airld God of law & justiceds God of fertilitylityhods God of the deaddswarriors Who is the Egyptian moon god?ptian cemeteries?tsman?s? Thothf light & airld Anubis law & justiceds Horusf fertilitylityhods Nekhbetthe deaddswarriors 'Who is the Egyptian god of light & air?teries?tsman?s? Shuthf light & airld Anubis law & justiceds Horusf fertilitylityhods Ptahbetthe deaddswarriors %Who is the Egyptian god of fertility?r?teries?tsman?s? Nekhbetlight & airld Anubis law & justiceds Horusf fertilitylityhods Ptahbetthe deaddswarriors &Who is the Egyptian god of childbirth??teries?tsman?s? Nekhbetlight & airld Anubis law & justiceds Horusf fertilitylityhods Ptahbetthe deaddswarriors 4Who is the Egyptian goddess of Law, Justice & Truth?s? Maatbetlight & airld Hathor law & justiceds Isissf fertilitylityhods Nuthbetthe deaddswarriors 'Who is the Egyptian goddess of the sky?tice & Truth?s? Nuttbetlight & airld Hathor law & justiceds Sekhmetfertilitylityhods Maatbetthe deaddswarriors #Who is the Egyptian goddess of joy?sky?tice & Truth?s? Hathortlight & airld Nuthor law & justiceds Isismetfertilitylityhods Sekhmetthe deaddswarriors ,Who is the Egyptian ruler of the underworld?& Truth?s? Osiristlight & airld Thothr law & justiceds Anubistfertilitylityhods Horusetthe deaddswarriors &Who is the Egyptian Queen of the Gods?world?& Truth?s? Isisistlight & airld Hathor law & justiceds Nutbistfertilitylityhods Maatsetthe deaddswarriors Who murdered Osiris?Queen of the Gods?world?& Truth?s? His brothert & airld
His mother & justiceds
His fathertilitylityhods His sonthe deaddswarriors Where does Ra go every night?the Gods?world?& Truth?s? To the Underworldrld To bedther & justiceds To battlertilitylityhods To a great feastswarriors Which god killed Osiris?ight?the Gods?world?& Truth?s? Setthe Underworldrld Anubisther & justiceds Horusttlertilitylityhods Isis great feastswarriors $Which Egyptian god invented writing?s?world?& Truth?s? Thothe Underworldrld Nekhbether & justiceds Horusttlertilitylityhods Ptah great feastswarriors 4Which Egyptian god makes people on a potter's wheel?s? NekhbetUnderworldrld Thothether & justiceds Horusttlertilitylityhods Ptah great feastswarriors )Who is the Egyptian "scribe" of the gods?er's wheel?s? ThothetUnderworldrld Nekhbether & justiceds Horusttlertilitylityhods Ptah great feastswarriors $Who is the Egyptian god of the dead?gods?er's wheel?s? AnubistUnderworldrld Thothether & justiceds Osiristlertilitylityhods Horusgreat feastswarriors ,Which Egyptian god was also the god of Time?s wheel?s? ThothstUnderworldrld Nekhbether & justiceds Horusstlertilitylityhods Ptahsgreat feastswarriors +Which Egyptian god represented the Pharaoh??s wheel?s? HorusstUnderworldrld Rakhbether & justiceds Osiristlertilitylityhods Ptahsgreat feastswarriors (Who is the Egyptian warlike sun-goddess?oh??s wheel?s? SekhmetUnderworldrld Hathorther & justiceds Isisistlertilitylityhods Maatsgreat feastswarriors !Which is NOT an Egyptian sun god?oddess?oh??s wheel?s? OsiristUnderworldrld Rathorther & justiceds Horusstlertilitylityhods Atonsgreat feastswarriors *Amen was originally the god of which town???s wheel?s? ThebestUnderworldrld Gizaorther & justiceds
Alexandriatilitylityhods Karnakreat feastswarriors /What is the answer to the Riddle of the Sphynx?heel?s? ManbestUnderworldrld Lifeorther & justiceds Yourselfiatilitylityhods Truthkreat feastswarriors *Which Pharaoh imposed monotheism on Egypt?hynx?heel?s? Amen-hotep IVorldrld Thut-mose IIIjusticeds Ramses IIatilitylityhods Khufukreat feastswarriors Who are Gapn & Ugar?d monotheism on Egypt?hynx?heel?s? Messengers of Baalld Enemies of Eljusticeds Sons of Dagonitylityhods Brothers of Mardukarriors Who is Arsay's father?monotheism on Egypt?hynx?heel?s? Baalengers of Baalld Marduks of Eljusticeds Elns of Dagonitylityhods Thothers of Mardukarriors Who is Baal's father??monotheism on Egypt?hynx?heel?s? Dagonngers of Baalld Marduks of Eljusticeds Elns of Dagonitylityhods Thothers of Mardukarriors 'Who is the Babylonian king of the gods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Mardukgers of Baalld Baaluks of Eljusticeds Elns of Dagonitylityhods Amen-Ras of Mardukarriors What is known as “El’s bitch?”the gods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Fireukgers of Baalld Waterks of Eljusticeds Airs of Dagonitylityhods EarthRas of Mardukarriors #Who is the Canaan god of carpentry?ods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Ilishagers of Baalld Marduks of Eljusticeds Resheph Dagonitylityhods Shataqat of Mardukarriors Who is the Canaan god of plague?ry?ods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Reshephers of Baalld Marduks of Eljusticeds Athtar the Awesometyhods Shataqat of Mardukarriors Who is the Canaan god of storms?ry?ods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Baalephers of Baalld Thoruks of Eljusticeds Anubis the Awesometyhods Ilishaat of Mardukarriors #Who is the Canaan king of the gods?ods?pt?hynx?heel?s? Elalephers of Baalld Amen-Ra of Eljusticeds Odinis the Awesometyhods Jupitert of Mardukarriors .Which is NOT a name for the Canaan underworld??heel?s? Mudlephers of Baalld Muck-Ra of Eljusticeds Phlegm the Awesometyhods Slimeert of Mardukarriors *Who is the Canaan ruler of the underworld?rld??heel?s? Athtar the Awesomeld ThothRa of Eljusticeds Anubis the Awesometyhods Elimeert of Mardukarriors )Who is the Sumerian "father of the gods?"?rld??heel?s? Enlilr the Awesomeld EnkihRa of Eljusticeds Martus the Awesometyhods Nuskuert of Mardukarriors Who is the Sumerian water god? the gods?"?rld??heel?s? Enkilr the Awesomeld EnlilRa of Eljusticeds Martus the Awesometyhods Nuskuert of Mardukarriors #Who is the Sumerian mother-goddess?gods?"?rld??heel?s? Ninhursage Awesomeld Ninurta of Eljusticeds Enlils the Awesometyhods Enkiuert of Mardukarriors *Who is the Sumerian god of the south wind?rld??heel?s? Ninurtaage Awesomeld Dumuzia of Eljusticeds Enkils the Awesometyhods Nuskuert of Mardukarriors Who is the Sumerian moon god?e south wind?rld??heel?s? Nanna-Sine Awesomeld Dumuzia of Eljusticeds Martus the Awesometyhods Nuskuert of Mardukarriors Who is Inanna's unlucky spouse?south wind?rld??heel?s? DumuziSine Awesomeld Enkizia of Eljusticeds Martus the Awesometyhods Nuskuert of Mardukarriors Who is the Sumerian Bedu god?e?south wind?rld??heel?s? MartuiSine Awesomeld Enlilia of Eljusticeds Enkius the Awesometyhods Dumuzirt of Mardukarriors What is Enlil the god of?god?e?south wind?rld??heel?s? AirtuiSine Awesomeld Wateria of Eljusticeds Fireus the Awesometyhods Earthirt of Mardukarriors #What is the name of Enlil's vizier?h wind?rld??heel?s? NuskuiSine Awesomeld Enlilia of Eljusticeds Enkius the Awesometyhods Martuirt of Mardukarriors Who is Enki's messenger?l's vizier?h wind?rld??heel?s? IsimudSine Awesomeld Enlilia of Eljusticeds Enkius the Awesometyhods Martuirt of Mardukarriors (How old was Jesus when he was crucified?d?rld??heel?s? 32imudSine Awesomeld 29lilia of Eljusticeds 30kius the Awesometyhods 35rtuirt of Mardukarriors What is the Pentateuch?he was crucified?d?rld??heel?s? 1st 5 OT bookssomeld Last 5 OT bookssticeds 1st 5 NT bookssometyhods Last 5 NT booksdukarriors -Who brings the ‘Law of Moses’ from Babylonia???heel?s? Ezra5 OT bookssomeld EzekielOT bookssticeds Amos5 NT bookssometyhods Moses5 NT booksdukarriors What is Andrew’s profession?’ from Babylonia???heel?s? Fishermanbookssomeld Carpenter bookssticeds Tax Collectorssometyhods Stone-masonooksdukarriors Who is Irad’s father?ession?’ from Babylonia???heel?s? Enochrmanbookssomeld Cainenter bookssticeds AbelCollectorssometyhods Muhujaelsonooksdukarriors %What are the names of Zebedee’s sons?bylonia???heel?s? James & Johnkssomeld Peter & Andrewssticeds James & Simonssometyhods John & Andrewksdukarriors $How old was Methuselah when he died??bylonia???heel?s? 969 years oldssomeld 1,837 years oldsticeds 856 years oldssometyhods 1,142 years olddukarriors What is Matthew’s profession?e died??bylonia???heel?s? Tax Collectorssomeld Carpenterrs oldsticeds Fisherman oldssometyhods Stone-mason olddukarriors How long is Noah’s ark?ssion?e died??bylonia???heel?s?
300 cubitstorssomeld 1,000 cubitsoldsticeds
100 cubitsoldssometyhods 467.03 cubitslddukarriors ,Who couldn’t walk on water because of doubt????heel?s? Peterubitstorssomeld Matthewubitsoldsticeds Markcubitsoldssometyhods John03 cubitslddukarriors .From what type of wood did Noah build the ark??heel?s? Gopher woodorssomeld Cypressubitsoldsticeds Ashkcubitsoldssometyhods
Olive wooditslddukarriors How does Stephen die?d did Noah build the ark??heel?s? Stoned woodorssomeld Crucifieditsoldsticeds beheadedtsoldssometyhods burnedwooditslddukarriors Who made the golden calf?d Noah build the ark??heel?s? Aarond woodorssomeld Leviifieditsoldsticeds Joshuaedtsoldssometyhods Danielwooditslddukarriors )Who does Pilate release instead of Jesus? ark??heel?s? Barabbasoodorssomeld Barnabasditsoldsticeds Balderedtsoldssometyhods Baruchwooditslddukarriors Who does Boaz marry?ase instead of Jesus? ark??heel?s? Ruthbbasoodorssomeld Naomibasditsoldsticeds Sarahredtsoldssometyhods Hannahwooditslddukarriors What does ‘Golgotha’ mean?stead of Jesus? ark??heel?s? Place of the skullld Place of the crossceds Place of the deadetyhods Place of Godslddukarriors 2What did Jahweh create on the 4th day of Creation?l?s? Sun, moon & starslld Waters above & belowds Dry land & vegetationods Sea creatures & birdsiors 2What percentage of angels did Satan take with him?l?s? 1/3, moon & starslld 1/2ers above & belowds 1/4 land & vegetationods 1/5 creatures & birdsiors Why did Jahweh create angels? Satan take with him?l?s? To praise Himtarslld To help Mane & belowds To combat Satantationods To build Heaven birdsiors Why did Jaheh create Man?els? Satan take with him?l?s? To demonstrate His love To battle Satanbelowds To praise Himantationods No one knowsven birdsiors 2What did Jahweh create on the 1st day of Creation?l?s? Light & Timete His love Waters above & belowds Dry land & vegetationods Sun, moon & starsirdsiors 2What did Jahweh create on the 2nd day of Creation?l?s? Waters above & belowove Sun, moon & starslowds Light & Timeegetationods Sea creatures & birdsiors 2What did Jahweh create on the 3rd day of Creation?l?s? Dry land & vegetationve Waters above & belowds Light & Timeegetationods Sun, moon & starsirdsiors 2What did Jahweh create on the 5th day of Creation?l?s? Sea creatures & birdsve Land creatures & Mands Dry land & vegetationods Sun, moon & starsirdsiors 2What did Jahweh create on the 6th day of Creation?l?s? Land creatures & Mansve Waters above & belowds Dry land & vegetationods Sea creatures & birdsiors Where was Marriage established?th day of Creation?l?s? Eden creatures & Mansve Babels above & belowds Jerichod & vegetationods Israeleatures & birdsiors What was the Sin of Eve?lished?th day of Creation?l?s? Loss of trust in Godsve Disobedience & belowds Eating an appletationods Listening to the Serpents When was Abraham born?e?lished?th day of Creation?l?s? 2166 B.C.rust in Godsve 1327 B.C.nce & belowds 3197 B.C. appletationods About 475 B.C.he Serpents Who was the father of the Arabs?h day of Creation?l?s? IshmaelC.rust in Godsve AaronB.C.nce & belowds IsaacB.C. appletationods Jacob 475 B.C.he Serpents 4How many people did Moses lead to the Promised Land?s? 3 millionrust in Godsve 1 millionnce & belowds
10 millionappletationods 1/2 million.C.he Serpents Who cut Samson’s hair?ses lead to the Promised Land?s? A barbernrust in Godsve Delilahonnce & belowds Ruthillionappletationods Naomiillion.C.he Serpents *Which book is the 1st Teaching of the Law?ised Land?s? Leviticusrust in Godsve Deuteronomye & belowds Psalmslionappletationods EcclesiastesC.he Serpents *Which book is the 2nd Teaching of the Law?ised Land?s? Deuteronomyst in Godsve
Leviticus8ye & belowds Psalmslionappletationods EcclesiastesC.he Serpents %Who assumed command after Moses dies? Law?ised Land?s? Joshuaonomyst in Godsve Josephcus8ye & belowds Davidslionappletationods SaulesiastesC.he Serpents Who was the last Judge?er Moses dies? Law?ised Land?s? Samuelonomyst in Godsve Saulphcus8ye & belowds Solomonionappletationods MosessiastesC.he Serpents Who was the 1st King?e?er Moses dies? Law?ised Land?s? Saulelonomyst in Godsve Samuelcus8ye & belowds Solomonionappletationods DavidsiastesC.he Serpents Who replaced Saul as King?Moses dies? Law?ised Land?s? Davidlonomyst in Godsve Samuelcus8ye & belowds Solomonionappletationods MosessiastesC.he Serpents Who wrote Psalms? as King?Moses dies? Law?ised Land?s? Davidlonomyst in Godsve Saulelcus8ye & belowds Samuelnionappletationods SolomonastesC.he Serpents #What does David bring to Jerusalem?s? Law?ised Land?s? The Ark of the Covenant The 10 Commandmentswds The Golden Calftationods The Burning Bush Serpents Who builds the Temple?to Jerusalem?s? Law?ised Land?s? Solomon of the Covenant Samuel Commandmentswds Davidolden Calftationods Mosesurning Bush Serpents %Who is the 1st man ‘taken’ to Heaven? Law?ised Land?s? Elijahn of the Covenant Elisha Commandmentswds Enocholden Calftationods Ezrasurning Bush Serpents 3How many times did Nebuchadnezzar attack Jerusalem??s? 3lijahn of the Covenant 1lisha Commandmentswds 2nocholden Calftationods 4zrasurning Bush Serpents #When was Judah captured by Babelon?ttack Jerusalem??s? 586 B.C.of the Covenant 2001 B.C.mmandmentswds 3036 B.C.n Calftationods 1472 Bush Serpents 3Who placed a statue of Zeus in the Teple of Jahweh??s? Antiochus Epophanesnant Alexander the Greatwds
Mattathias Calftationods Herod the Greath Serpents !Who first explaned the ‘Rapture’?e Teple of Jahweh??s? Paulochus Epophanesnant Matthewer the Greatwds Markathias Calftationods Peter the Greath Serpents &From where did Paul write his letters?le of Jahweh??s? A Roman jailophanesnant Jersalemr the Greatwds A cave in the mountainss Babelonhe Greath Serpents 5In what year did Rome destroy Jerusalem & the Temple?? 70 A.D. jailophanesnant 134 A.D.r the Greatwds 34 the mountainss 256 A.D.e Greath Serpents Who wrote Revelations?destroy Jerusalem & the Temple?? John.D. jailophanesnant Matthew.r the Greatwds the mountainss LukeA.D.e Greath Serpents %In what year was Revelations written?em & the Temple?? 90 A.D. jailophanesnant 72 A.D..r the Greatwds 136 A.D.n the mountainss 1 A.D.D.e Greath Serpents 1In what year is the Dome of the Rock constructed?ple?? 688 A.D.jailophanesnant 572 A.D.r the Greatwds 136 A.D.n the mountainss 1 A.D.D.e Greath Serpents 4After defeating Satan, for how long does Jesus rule???
1000 Yearsilophanesnant 100 Years the Greatwds 1,000,000 yearsountainss Forever.e Greath Serpents 6What was the average lifespan of Man before the Flood? 851 yearssilophanesnant 476 years the Greatwds 1,063 yearsearsountainss 628 years Greath Serpents In what year did Adam die?pan of Man before the Flood? 3070 B.C.silophanesnant 2166 B.C. the Greatwds
8965 B. C.searsountainss 5639 B.C. Greath Serpents In what year did Noah die?pan of Man before the Flood? 2166 B.C.silophanesnant 3070 B.C. the Greatwds
8965 B. C.searsountainss 5639 B.C. Greath Serpents "Who was the 1st minister of Satan?an before the Flood? Nimrod.C.silophanesnant Cain B.C. the Greatwds JudasB. C.searsountainss Enos B.C. Greath Serpents What is John’s profession?f Satan?an before the Flood? Fishermansilophanesnant Physician the Greatwds Tax Collectorrsountainss Carpenter Greath Serpents What is Luke’s profession?f Satan?an before the Flood? Physiciansilophanesnant Carpenter the Greatwds Tax Collectorrsountainss Stone-masonreath Serpents (From Greek, what does ‘Apocalypse’ mean?ore the Flood? To revealsilophanesnant Calamityr the Greatwds Triumphlectorrsountainss The Final Battle Serpents What was Satan’s great sin?alypse’ mean?ore the Flood? To be like Jahwehesnant Disobeying Jahwehatwds Not worshipping Jahwehss Trying to overthrow Heaven What is the Number of the Beastse’ mean?ore the Flood? 666be like Jahwehesnant 696obeying Jahwehatwds 969 worshipping Jahwehss 999ing to overthrow Heaven 5In 1940, what did English witches use against Hitler?? Cone of Powerhwehesnant Evil Eyeng Jahwehatwds Word of Destructionwehss Curse of Despairrow Heaven 3Until recently, what was Palmistry better known as?r?? Cheiromancyerhwehesnant HandographyJahwehatwds
Digitologyespairrow Heaven $What is a Santeria charm bag called?etter known as?r??
Resguardosyerhwehesnant BokorgraphyJahwehatwds Cingulumcystructionwehss Imbulclogyespairrow Heaven 1What is the most prominent modern Druidic ritual?s?r?? Summer Solsticeehesnant Autumn Equinoxwehatwds Spring Equinoxctionwehss Winter Solsticerrow Heaven #What was Dione Fortune's real name?ruidic ritual?s?r?? Violet Firthiceehesnant Pamela Coleman Smithds Mary Isabel Howitznwehss Gertrude Stantonrow Heaven $Who invented the modern Ouija board?uidic ritual?s?r?? Elijah J. Bondeehesnant Alester CrowleySmithds Charles Lelandwitznwehss Gerald Gardneronrow Heaven What does Lemniscate signify? board?uidic ritual?s?r?? Eternity. Bondeehesnant Hidden Knowledgemithds Nothingnessandwitznwehss Wisdom Gardneronrow Heaven &What does the Wiccan Circle represent?dic ritual?s?r?? Wholeness Bondeehesnant Eternitynowledgemithds Hidden Knowledgetznwehss Powerm Gardneronrow Heaven !What is a Vodoun sorcerer called?sent?dic ritual?s?r?? Bokorness Bondeehesnant Zombietynowledgemithds DambalaKnowledgetznwehss Vodounaglianeronrow Heaven (What metal keeps way witches and demons?c ritual?s?r?? Ironrness Bondeehesnant Coppertynowledgemithds TinbalaKnowledgetznwehss Zincunaglianeronrow Heaven %Who is the Santeria 'Father of Gods'?ns?c ritual?s?r?? Obatalass Bondeehesnant Bokorrtynowledgemithds DambalaKnowledgetznwehss Setcunaglianeronrow Heaven #What are Taurus, Capricorn & Virgo?'?ns?c ritual?s?r?? Earth signsondeehesnant Water signsledgemithds Air signsowledgetznwehss
Fire signsaneronrow Heaven $What do most Zuni fetishes resemble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? Animalsignsondeehesnant Peoplesignsledgemithds Plantsgnsowledgetznwehss Geometric Shapesrow Heaven What does 'Huna' mean?shes resemble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? Hidden Knowledgehesnant Eternitygnsledgemithds Nothingnessledgetznwehss Wisdomric Shapesrow Heaven What does 'sky clad' refer to?emble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? A ritual in the nudeant Flying in a trancethds Goddess's blue dressehss A 'spacey' personow Heaven What does 'Stonehenge' mean?o?emble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? Hanging Stonese nudeant Stone Circletrancethds Floating Stonesdressehss
Stone Door personow Heaven What is the Fifth Root Race?o?emble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? Humansg Stonese nudeant
Atlanteansletrancethds LemuriansStonesdressehss MuiansDoor personow Heaven What is the Fourth Root Race??emble??ns?c ritual?s?r??
Atlanteansonese nudeant Humanseansletrancethds LemuriansStonesdressehss MuiansDoor personow Heaven What is the Third Root Race???emble??ns?c ritual?s?r?? Lemurianssonese nudeant Humanseansletrancethds MuiansansStonesdressehss
Atlanteans personow Heaven 3When did witchcraft cease to be a crime in England?r?? 1951rianssonese nudeant 1321nseansletrancethds 1787nsansStonesdressehss 1983nteans personow Heaven )When was the modern Ouija board invented?n England?r?? 1892rianssonese nudeant 1633nseansletrancethds 1951nsansStonesdressehss 1737nteans personow Heaven When was Umbanda founded? board invented?n England?r?? 1904rianssonese nudeant 1292nseansletrancethds 1569nsansStonesdressehss 1746nteans personow Heaven "Who is the 'Father of Numerology'?vented?n England?r??
Pythagorasonese nudeant Platoseansletrancethds PlinysansStonesdressehss Aristotles personow Heaven 6Who wrote the only detailed account of Druidic ritual? Plinygorasonese nudeant
Pythagorasletrancethds PlatosansStonesdressehss Aristotles personow Heaven What does Imbolg represent? account of Druidic ritual? Birth of Spring nudeant Birth of Summerncethds Birth of Winterdressehss Birth of Autumnonow Heaven )What does incense represent on the altar?uidic ritual? Airth of Spring nudeant Earth of Summerncethds Fireh of Winterdressehss Water of Autumnonow Heaven &What does salt represent on the altar?ar?uidic ritual? Earth of Spring nudeant Airth of Summerncethds Water of Winterdressehss Firer of Autumnonow Heaven )What does the Cup represent on the altar?uidic ritual? Water of Spring nudeant Earth of Summerncethds Airer of Winterdressehss Firer of Autumnonow Heaven *What does the Wand represent on the altar?idic ritual? Firer of Spring nudeant Earth of Summerncethds Airer of Winterdressehss Water of Autumnonow Heaven What is a baculum? represent on the altar?idic ritual? Wandr of Spring nudeant Broom of Summerncethds Daggerof Winterdressehss
Runic knotutumnonow Heaven What is a pooka?m? represent on the altar?idic ritual? Mischievious spiriteant Runic staffmmerncethds Witch’s broomerdressehss Young female witchw Heaven 4What is a technical term for a Wiccan ritual dagger?l? Athameevious spiriteant Cotellataffmmerncethds Messers broomerdressehss Fangg female witchw Heaven (What is another name for the odic force?tual dagger?l? Magnetismous spiriteant Electricitymmerncethds Natures broomerdressehss
Cosmic Lawle witchw Heaven What is Aquarius classified as?ic force?tual dagger?l? Fixed Airous spiriteant Fixed Watermmerncethds Mutable Watererdressehss Cardinal Earthitchw Heaven What is patchouli?lassified as?ic force?tual dagger?l? Graveyard dustpiriteant Toad’s eyesmmerncethds Bat bloodatererdressehss Runic staffrthitchw Heaven 0What is the ‘heart & soul’ of the Magick Circle?ger?l? Shekinahd dustpiriteant Maguss eyesmmerncethds Elffireodatererdressehss Cingulumaffrthitchw Heaven 1What is the Druids' 'infamous' mode of sacrifice?er?l? Death by firetpiriteant Death by drowningethds Death by suffocationehss Death by stoningchw Heaven +What is the festival of the Winter Equinox?ifice?er?l? Yuleh by firetpiriteant Lammasby drowningethds Imbolcby suffocationehss Kells by stoningchw Heaven 2What is the shortest day, followed by longer days?r?l? Winter Solsticeiriteant Spring Equinoxingethds Summer Solsticeationehss Autumnal Equinoxchw Heaven #What is the Wicca direction of Air?by longer days?r?l? Easter Solsticeiriteant Northg Equinoxingethds Wester Solsticeationehss Southnal Equinoxchw Heaven %What is the Wicca direction of Earth? longer days?r?l? Northr Solsticeiriteant Easthg Equinoxingethds Wester Solsticeationehss Southnal Equinoxchw Heaven $What is the Wicca direction of Fire?? longer days?r?l? Southr Solsticeiriteant Easthg Equinoxingethds Northr Solsticeationehss Westhnal Equinoxchw Heaven %What is the Wicca direction of Water? longer days?r?l? Westhr Solsticeiriteant Easthg Equinoxingethds Northr Solsticeationehss Southnal Equinoxchw Heaven -What Wiccan holiday coincides with Halloween?days?r?l? SamhainSolsticeiriteant All Soulsuinoxingethds Purimr Solsticeationehss Beltanel Equinoxchw Heaven When is the Candlemas Sabbat? with Halloween?days?r?l?
February 2sticeiriteant March 21suinoxingethds April 30olsticeationehss August 1 Equinoxchw Heaven Which are Druidic plants?bat? with Halloween?days?r?l? Oak & Mistletoeiriteant
Rose & Ivyinoxingethds Cherry & Pineceationehss Parsley & Sageoxchw Heaven .Which card is in the Rider Waite Major Arcana?ays?r?l? The Chariotetoeiriteant The Cometyinoxingethds
The Flowerineceationehss
The KnightSageoxchw Heaven 2Which card is NOT in the Rider Waite Major Arcana?r?l? The Fountaintoeiriteant
The Hermitinoxingethds Deathlowerineceationehss The StarhtSageoxchw Heaven .Which is NOT a Rider Waite Major Arcana Suite?ana?r?l? Bladesuntaintoeiriteant CupsHermitinoxingethds Pentaclesrineceationehss WandstarhtSageoxchw Heaven Which is NOT a Wiccan holiday?or Arcana Suite?ana?r?l? Kellssuntaintoeiriteant YuleHermitinoxingethds Lammaslesrineceationehss ImbolcarhtSageoxchw Heaven -Which is NOT an aspect of the Wiccan Goddess??ana?r?l?
The Sisterintoeiriteant
The Motherinoxingethds
The Maidenineceationehss The CronetSageoxchw Heaven 0Which sign is NOT represented by a living thing?a?r?l? Libraisterintoeiriteant Cancertherinoxingethds Ariesaidenineceationehss
SagitariusSageoxchw Heaven )Who designed the Rider Waite Tarot deck?? thing?a?r?l? Pamela Coleman Smithant Alester Crowleyngethds Edward Burne-Jonesonehss Dion Fortunegeoxchw Heaven Who devised the Law of Thelema?rot deck?? thing?a?r?l? Alester CrowleySmithant Charles Lelandyngethds Pamela Coleman Smithehss Gerald Gardneroxchw Heaven +Who first documented the story of Atlantis?hing?a?r?l? Platoer CrowleySmithant W. Scott-Elliottgethds Philip Sclater Smithehss James Churchwardchw Heaven *Who first documented the story of Lemuria??hing?a?r?l? Philip SclaterySmithant W. Scott-Elliottgethds Platop Sclater Smithehss James Churchwardchw Heaven %Who first documented the story of Mu?uria??hing?a?r?l? James Churchwardmithant W. Scott-Elliottgethds Platop Sclater Smithehss Philip Sclaterrdchw Heaven 1Who is the Celtic patron saint of growing things??r?l? Jack-in-the-Greenithant Cormac McCarthytgethds The Green Manr Smithehss The Green Giantdchw Heaven &Who revived the Wicca in modern times?ing things??r?l? Gerald Gardnereenithant Charles Lelandytgethds Pamela Coleman Smithehss Alester Crowleydchw Heaven ,Who wrote 'Arcadia — Gospel of the Witches'?ings??r?l? Charles Lelandeenithant Gerald Gardnerytgethds Pamela Coleman Smithehss Alester Crowleydchw Heaven 'What is the name of the Korean sun god?hes'?ings??r?l? Tankuns Lelandeenithant IzanagiGardnerytgethds IzanamiColeman Smithehss Amaterasurowleydchw Heaven What is Tathagata?f the Korean sun god?hes'?ings??r?l? Title of the Buddhahant City in southern India Enemy of Taishakuithehss Sutra of Subhutichw Heaven How long is a minor aeon?orean sun god?hes'?ings??r?l? 16 million yearsdhahant 24 million years India 8 million yearskuithehss 21.7 million yearsw Heaven *How many minor aeons are in a medium aeon?'?ings??r?l? Twentylion yearsdhahant Tenmillion years India Fivellion yearskuithehss Fiftymillion yearsw Heaven .Where did Shakyamuni expound the Lotus Sutra??gs??r?l?
Eagle Peak yearsdhahant Vulture Passears India The Pure Landrskuithehss Mount Sumeru yearsw Heaven &What is the highest of the Ten Worlds? Sutra??gs??r?l?
Buddhahood yearsdhahant Nirvana Passears India
Mystic Lawandrskuithehss Kuunt Sumeru yearsw Heaven 'What is Shakyamuni’s ultimate teaching?Sutra??gs??r?l? The Lotus Sutrasdhahant The Nirvana SutraIndia The Kegon Sutrakuithehss The Agon Sutraearsw Heaven Who is Kishimojin?’s ultimate teaching?Sutra??gs??r?l? Female demontrasdhahant Disciple of Hachimania Monju’s daughteruithehss Shakyamuni’s wifesw Heaven !Who is Lord of the Emerald World?ching?Sutra??gs??r?l? Yakushi Buddhaasdhahant Taho Buddha Hachimania Dainichi Buddharuithehss Amida Buddha wifesw Heaven !What virtue does Monju represent?ching?Sutra??gs??r?l? Wisdomi Buddhaasdhahant Kindnessdha Hachimania Justicei Buddharuithehss Tranquilitya wifesw Heaven What does ‘Jodo’ mean? represent?ching?Sutra??gs??r?l? Pure Landuddhaasdhahant Wise Onedha Hachimania Enlightenmentharuithehss Primal Ignoranceesw Heaven Who was exiled to Tao-chou?esent?ching?Sutra??gs??r?l? Fa-taoanduddhaasdhahant Devadattaha Hachimania Ajatashatruntharuithehss Katyayananoranceesw Heaven &Who founded the Shingon sect in Japan??Sutra??gs??r?l? Koboaoanduddhaasdhahant Kakutokuaha Hachimania Katyayanaruntharuithehss
Kishimojinoranceesw Heaven $Who founded the Kegon sect in China?n??Sutra??gs??r?l? Tu-shunnduddhaasdhahant Fa-taokuaha Hachimania Mahakashyapatharuithehss Mirokuojinoranceesw Heaven /Who wrote the “Chu Ron” and the “Daichido Ron?”s??r?l? Nagarjunauddhaasdhahant
Shakyamunia Hachimania Mahakashyapatharuithehss Kobokuojinoranceesw Heaven (What is the name of the original Buddha?o Ron?”s??r?l? Nam-myoho-renge-kyohant MahakashyapaHachimania
Kishimojinpatharuithehss Ramakuojinoranceesw Heaven &What is the name of Shakyamuni’s wife?a?o Ron?”s??r?l?
KishimojinpaHachimania Ashokaojinpatharuithehss Emmakuojinoranceesw Heaven %What is the name of Shakyamuni’s son??a?o Ron?”s??r?l? Rahulahararenge-kyohant KoboimojinpaHachimania Purnaaojinpatharuithehss Mahakashyapaanceesw Heaven $Who founded the Ritsu sect in Japan???a?o Ron?”s??r?l?
Vasubandhupatharuithehss Nagarjunaapaanceesw Heaven Who is the Buddha of Medicine?ght?n???a?o Ron?”s??r?l? Yakushiuenrenge-kyohant YakuonojinpaHachimania Yakushidhupatharuithehss Tz’u-ennaapaanceesw Heaven &Which Buddha is in the Treasure Tower?a?o Ron?”s??r?l? Tahoshiuenrenge-kyohant TaishakuinpaHachimania Tz’u-endhupatharuithehss
T’ien-t’aipaanceesw Heaven Who wrote the “Kusha Ron?”asure Tower?a?o Ron?”s??r?l?
Vasubandhurenge-kyohant TahohakuinpaHachimania Nagarjunaupatharuithehss Yakushi’aipaanceesw Heaven 0How many kinds of gems adorn the Treasure Tower???r?l? 7asubandhurenge-kyohant 5ahohakuinpaHachimania 11garjunaupatharuithehss 19kushi’aipaanceesw Heaven Who wrote the “Daito Saiiki Ki?” Treasure Tower???r?l? Hsuan-tsangenge-kyohant IonnoakuinpaHachimania Kannonunaupatharuithehss
Kumarajivapaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 1st stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l? Ri-sokusangenge-kyohant Bunshin-sokuHachimania
Kukyo-sokupatharuithehss Soji-sokuapaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 2nd stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l?
Kukyo-sokukuHachimania Ri-sokuokupatharuithehss
Kanyo-sokupaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 3rd stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l?
Myoji-sokupaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 4th stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l? Soji-sokuugenge-kyohant
Kanyo-sokupaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 5th stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l? Bunshin-sokunge-kyohant
Kukyo-sokukuHachimania Ri-sokuokupatharuithehss Soji-sokuupaanceesw Heaven 0What is the 6th stage of practice (Lotus Sutra)???r?l?
Kukyo-sokukunge-kyohant Ri-sokuokukuHachimania
Myoji-sokupatharuithehss Isunhildaupaanceesw Heaven )Which is NOT one of the Three Evil Paths?Sutra)???r?l? Anger-sokukunge-kyohant HellokuokukuHachimania Hungersokupatharuithehss Animalityupaanceesw Heaven &Which is NOT one of the Three Poisons?hs?Sutra)???r?l? Miserysokukunge-kyohant GreedkuokukuHachimania Angerrsokupatharuithehss Stupidityupaanceesw Heaven Who founded the Zen sect?hree Poisons?hs?Sutra)???r?l? Bodhidharmaunge-kyohant MahakashyapaHachimania
Chien-chenpaanceesw Heaven Who wrote the “Joyui-shiki Ron?”isons?hs?Sutra)???r?l? Tz’u-enarmaunge-kyohant TahokashyapaHachimania Nagarjunaipatharuithehss Yakushihenpaanceesw Heaven )What is the name of the 1st world (Hell)?Sutra)???r?l? Jigokunarmaunge-kyohant GakilashyapaHachimania Chikushoaipatharuithehss Ninushihenpaanceesw Heaven +What is the name of the 2nd world (Hunger)?tra)???r?l? Gakikunarmaunge-kyohant JigokushyapaHachimania Ninkushoaipatharuithehss Chikushoenpaanceesw Heaven .What is the name of the 3rd world (Animality)?)???r?l? Chikushormaunge-kyohant GakikushyapaHachimania Jigokuhoaipatharuithehss Ninkushoenpaanceesw Heaven *What is the name of the 4th world (Anger)?ty)?)???r?l? Shurashormaunge-kyohant ChikushoyapaHachimania Gakikuhoaipatharuithehss Shomonhoenpaanceesw Heaven -What is the name of the 5th world (Humanity)??)???r?l? Ninrashormaunge-kyohant tenkushoyapaHachimania Shomonhoaipatharuithehss Engakuhoenpaanceesw Heaven ,What is the name of the 6th world (Rapture)???)???r?l? tenrashormaunge-kyohant ShomonhoyapaHachimania Engakuhoaipatharuithehss Bosatsuoenpaanceesw Heaven -What is the name of the 7th world (Learning)??)???r?l? Shomonhormaunge-kyohant EngakuhoyapaHachimania Ninakuhoaipatharuithehss Butsusuoenpaanceesw Heaven 0What is the name of the 8th world (Realization)???r?l? Engakuhormaunge-kyohant BosatsuoyapaHachimania Butsuuhoaipatharuithehss tensusuoenpaanceesw Heaven 0What is the name of the 9th world (Bodhisattva)???r?l? Bosatsuormaunge-kyohant ButsusuoyapaHachimania tensuuhoaipatharuithehss Engakuuoenpaanceesw Heaven 0What is the name of the 10th world (Buddhahood)???r?l? Butsusuormaunge-kyohant BosatsuoyapaHachimania Engakuhoaipatharuithehss Shomonuoenpaanceesw Heaven (How many daughters does Kishimojin have?hahood)???r?l? 10tsusuormaunge-kyohant 7osatsuoyapaHachimania 100akuhoaipatharuithehss 666monuoenpaanceesw Heaven "How many “noble” worlds are there? have?hahood)???r?l? 40tsusuormaunge-kyohant 5osatsuoyapaHachimania 100akuhoaipatharuithehss 166monuoenpaanceesw Heaven 0What is the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo known as???r?l? The Mystic Lawe-kyohant The True LawHachimania The One Lawatharuithehss The Buddha Lawceesw Heaven )What is the Hindu principle of existence?own as???r?l? Dharmastic Lawe-kyohant Nirvanae LawHachimania Kue One Lawatharuithehss Karmauddha Lawceesw Heaven 0What is the 1st of Shakyamuni’s writings called???r?l? Kegon periodawe-kyohant Hokke-Nehan periodania Hannya periodharuithehss Hodo periodLawceesw Heaven 0What is the 2nd of Shakyamuni’s writings called???r?l? Agon perioddawe-kyohant Kegon periodperiodania Hokke-Nehan periodthehss Hannya periodwceesw Heaven 0What is the 3rd of Shakyamuni’s writings called???r?l? Hodo perioddawe-kyohant Agon perioddperiodania Kegon periodperiodthehss Hokke-Nehan periodw Heaven 0What is the 4th of Shakyamuni’s writings called???r?l? Hannya periodwe-kyohant Hodo perioddperiodania Agon perioddperiodthehss Kegon periodperiodw Heaven 0What is the 5th of Shakyamuni’s writings called???r?l? Hokke-Nehan periodohant Hannya perioderiodania Hodo perioddperiodthehss Agon perioddperiodw Heaven $What is the Buddhist Ultimate Truth?ings called???r?l? DharmaNehan periodohant Karmaa perioderiodania Nirvanarioddperiodthehss The Buddha Lawriodw Heaven -What is another name for the Buddhist Heaven?ed???r?l? Raptureehan periodohant Nirvanaperioderiodania Enlightenmenteriodthehss Dharmaddha Lawriodw Heaven %Who is a Buddhist god of the harvest? Heaven?ed???r?l? Hachimanhan periodohant Tz’u-enperioderiodania Kannontenmenteriodthehss
Kishimojin Lawriodw Heaven /What is another name for the world of Humanity????r?l? Tranquility periodohant Hostilityrioderiodania Uncertaintynteriodthehss Doubtmojin Lawriodw Heaven Who founded the Jodo sect?he world of Humanity????r?l? Honenuility periodohant Mahakashyapaderiodania
Chien-chen Lawriodw Heaven 0What is “the ultimate reality of all phenomena?”??r?l? The Middle Wayriodohant Nirvanahyapaderiodania
Buddhahoodynteriodthehss The Ten Worldsriodw Heaven +How many mystical journeys can a Sufi take?ena?”??r?l? FourMiddle Wayriodohant Onevanahyapaderiodania Sevenahoodynteriodthehss NineTen Worldsriodw Heaven *What are the fundamentals of Islam called??ena?”??r?l? The Five Pillarsodohant The Three Swordsodania The Seven Lessonsdthehss The Nine Starsriodw Heaven 'What is the first journey of the Sufis?ed??ena?”??r?l? FanaFive Pillarsodohant BaqaThree Swordsodania Baraqaven Lessonsdthehss MujahidinStarsriodw Heaven 5What is the name of the breaking of the Ramadan fast?? Prayer of El Fitheroant Prayer of Gnosisodania Prayer of Allahnsdthehss Prayer of the Crescentaven (What is the second journey of the Sufis?Ramadan fast?? Baqaer of El Fitheroant Fanaer of Gnosisodania Baraqa of Allahnsdthehss Mujahidin the Crescentaven $What warned Muhammad against poison?fis?Ramadan fast?? A leg of lambFitheroant A mirrorf Gnosisodania An angelf Allahnsdthehss A secret messageescentaven What does 'Baqa' mean?gainst poison?fis?Ramadan fast??
PermanencyambFitheroant Annihilationosisodania Divine Knowledgesdthehss Holy Warriorsageescentaven What does ‘baraqa’ mean?inst poison?fis?Ramadan fast?? Saintly Blessednessoant Pious Povertysisodania The Praised Oneesdthehss Crescent of the Monthtaven -About how many people currently follow Islam?an fast?? 850 millionssednessoant 1.3 billiontysisodania
10 milliond Oneesdthehss 335 million the Monthtaven ,How many disciples does a Sufi teacher seek??an fast?? Nonemillionssednessoant Threeilliontysisodania Sevenlliond Oneesdthehss Twelvellion the Monthtaven What does 'Fana' mean?s a Sufi teacher seek??an fast?? Annihilationsednessoant Divine Knowledgeodania Holy Warriorsneesdthehss
Permanencyn the Monthtaven What does ‘faqr’ mean?s a Sufi teacher seek??an fast?? Pious Povertyednessoant The Praised Oneeodania Crescent of the Monthhss Saintly Blessednessthtaven What does ‘Gnosis' mean?a Sufi teacher seek??an fast?? Divine Knowledgeessoant Holy Warriorsneeodania
Permanencyf the Monthhss InfinityBlessednessthtaven What does 'Mohammad' mean?Sufi teacher seek??an fast?? The Praised Oneeessoant Annihilationsneeodania Divine KnowledgeMonthhss Holy Warriorsednessthtaven What does 'Mujahidin' mean?ufi teacher seek??an fast?? Holy Warriorsneeessoant Infinitytionsneeodania Divine KnowledgeMonthhss Annihilationsednessthtaven What does "Ramadan" mean?n?ufi teacher seek??an fast?? Crescent of the Monthnt Infinitytionsneeodania Pious PovertydgeMonthhss Annihilationsednessthtaven Where did Muhammad go in 582?? teacher seek??an fast?? Syriaent of the Monthnt Medinatytionsneeodania JerusalemertydgeMonthhss Bagdhadationsednessthtaven )Which tree is "as blessed as the Muslim?"ek??an fast?? Palmaent of the Monthnt Figinatytionsneeodania OlivealemertydgeMonthhss Pinehadationsednessthtaven !Who was Muhammad's favorite wife?Muslim?"ek??an fast?? A'ishaht of the Monthnt Sawdahtytionsneeodania FatimahemertydgeMonthhss Khadijahtionsednessthtaven !Who calls the Faithful to Prayer?Muslim?"ek??an fast?? The Muezzin the Monthnt
The Caliphonsneeodania A Sufi teachergeMonthhss
El Fitheroonsednessthtaven Who was Fatimah?ithful to Prayer?Muslim?"ek??an fast?? Mohammad's daughterthnt Mohammad's motherdania Mohammad's wifeeMonthhss Mohammad's auntnessthtaven Who was Muhammad's second wife?r?Muslim?"ek??an fast?? Sawdahad's daughterthnt A'ishahd's motherdania Fatimahd's wifeeMonthhss Khadijah's auntnessthtaven (How many verses does the Qur'an contain?"ek??an fast?? 6,666had's daughterthnt 3,333ahd's motherdania 9,999ahd's wifeeMonthhss 1,111jah's auntnessthtaven .How old was A'ishah when she married Mohammad?n fast?? 6,666had's daughterthnt 16333ahd's motherdania 36999ahd's wifeeMonthhss 66111jah's auntnessthtaven ,When did Muhammad fight the Banu Nadir Jews?d?n fast?? AD 625ad's daughterthnt AD 627hd's motherdania AD 524hd's wifeeMonthhss AD 622ah's auntnessthtaven /When did Muhammad fight the Banu Quraizah Jews? fast?? AD 627ad's daughterthnt AD 524hd's motherdania AD 622hd's wifeeMonthhss AD 625ah's auntnessthtaven )When did Muhammad fight the Khaibar Jews? Jews? fast?? AD 628ad's daughterthnt AD 627hd's motherdania AD 524hd's wifeeMonthhss AD 622ah's auntnessthtaven )When did Muhammad fight the Qaynuqa Jews? Jews? fast?? AD 524ad's daughterthnt AD 627hd's motherdania AD 524hd's wifeeMonthhss AD 622ah's auntnessthtaven When did Muhammad go to Medina?nuqa Jews? Jews? fast?? AD 622ad's daughterthnt AD 627hd's motherdania AD 524hd's wifeeMonthhss AD 625ah's auntnessthtaven 0Who founded the Order of the Whirling Dervishes?fast?? Jalaluddin Rumihterthnt Muhammad's motherdania Abu Hamid al-Ghazzalihss Abu Bakr's auntnessthtaven Who was the first Caliph?the Whirling Dervishes?fast?? Abu Bakrin Rumihterthnt Abu Hamid al-Ghazzalia Jalaluddin Rumiazzalihss Muhammad's auntnessthtaven 2Who wrote 'The Revival of the Religious Sciences"?st?? Abu Hamid al-Ghazzalint Abu Bakrd al-Ghazzalia Jalaluddin Rumiazzalihss Muhammad's auntnessthtaven -How old was Muhammad at his first revelation?ces"?st?? Fortyamid al-Ghazzalint Thirtykrd al-Ghazzalia Tenaluddin Rumiazzalihss Sixtymad's auntnessthtaven In what year did Muhammad die?rst revelation?ces"?st?? AD 632mid al-Ghazzalint AD 576krd al-Ghazzalia AD 570ddin Rumiazzalihss AD 610ad's auntnessthtaven 'What are practitioners of Islam called?ation?ces"?st?? Muslimsid al-Ghazzalint Islamicsd al-Ghazzalia Muslemersn Rumiazzalihss Islamitess auntnessthtaven 3What are the collected writings of Muhammad called?t?? Hadithsid al-Ghazzalint Qur'ancsd al-Ghazzalia Jihadmersn Rumiazzalihss Ramadaness auntnessthtaven !What color is the Hajaru’l-Aswad?f Muhammad called?t?? Blackhsid al-Ghazzalint Red'ancsd al-Ghazzalia Golddmersn Rumiazzalihss Silverness auntnessthtaven 'What destroyed the Decree of Expulsion?mmad called?t?? A wormsid al-Ghazzalint An eagled al-Ghazzalia
A scorpion Rumiazzalihss A lambness auntnessthtaven What does ‘Islam’ mean?ee of Expulsion?mmad called?t?? Surrender al-Ghazzalint Victoryed al-Ghazzalia Loveorpion Rumiazzalihss
The Chosen auntnessthtaven What does "Ed Doua" mean? of Expulsion?mmad called?t?? The Invocationhazzalint The Glorificationzalia The Inclinationazzalihss The Prostrationnessthtaven What does "El Mihrab" mean?f Expulsion?mmad called?t?? The Nicheationhazzalint The Invocationionzalia The Glorificationzalihss The Inclinationnessthtaven What does "El Rekaa" mean??f Expulsion?mmad called?t?? The Inclinationazzalint The Invocationionzalia The Glorificationzalihss The Nichenationnessthtaven What does "El Tekbir" mean?f Expulsion?mmad called?t?? The Glorificationzalint The Inclinationonzalia The Prostrationonzalihss The Invocationnnessthtaven What does "Es Soujoud" mean? Expulsion?mmad called?t?? The Prostrationonzalint The Glorificationzalia The Inclinationonzalihss The Nicheationnnessthtaven What is a ‘Jihad?’oud" mean? Expulsion?mmad called?t??
A holy warationonzalint A period of fastinglia A pilgrimageiononzalihss A festival in Meccathtaven (What is the date of Muhammad’s birthday?mad called?t?? August 29rationonzalint July 27d of fastinglia March 30mageiononzalihss September 4in Meccathtaven What is the holy book of Islam?birthday?mad called?t??
The Qur'anationonzalint The Bibleof fastinglia
The Talmudgeiononzalihss The Texts of Ramacathtaven What year was Mohammad born?am?birthday?mad called?t?? AD 570r'anationonzalint 3 BCBibleof fastinglia AD 313lmudgeiononzalihss 147 BCxts of Ramacathtaven When did Aminah die?ad born?am?birthday?mad called?t?? AD 576r'anationonzalint AD 570bleof fastinglia AD 610lmudgeiononzalihss AD 632xts of Ramacathtaven ,When did Muhammad have his first revelation?called?t?? AD 610r'anationonzalint AD 513bleof fastinglia AD 711lmudgeiononzalihss AD 487xts of Ramacathtaven Where was Muhammad born?is first revelation?called?t?? Mecca0r'anationonzalint Jerusalemof fastinglia Babel1lmudgeiononzalihss Canaanxts of Ramacathtaven Which is NOT a Sufi Order? first revelation?called?t?? Screaming Dervisheslint Howling Dervishesnglia Silent Dervishesnzalihss Shaven Dervishesacathtaven *Who delivered Muhammad’s first revelation?n?called?t?? Gabrielng Dervisheslint St. Peterervishesnglia
Ali-Koreshvishesnzalihss Allahn Dervishesacathtaven Who is Mohammad’s father?first revelation?n?called?t?? Abdullahg Dervisheslint Faruketerervishesnglia Ibib Hak’ahishesnzalihss Mohamn Dervishesacathtaven Who is the god of Islam??first revelation?n?called?t?? Allahlahg Dervisheslint Yahwehterervishesnglia Elohimak’ahishesnzalihss Ramamn Dervishesacathtaven %Who is the primary prhophet of Allah?tion?n?called?t?? Muhammadg Dervisheslint Aliwehterervishesnglia Kareemak’ahishesnzalihss Abduln Dervishesacathtaven 'Who tore out Mohammad’s heart as a boy?on?n?called?t??
Two angelsDervisheslint A demonerervishesnglia Three hereticsesnzalihss Allahn Dervishesacathtaven "Who was baby Mohammad’s nursemaid? boy?on?n?called?t?? HalimahelsDervisheslint Hannahnerervishesnglia
Hamda-Akibticsesnzalihss HafkaraDervishesacathtaven Who was Mohammad's first wife?aid? boy?on?n?called?t?? KhadijahlsDervisheslint Ayishaherervishesnglia Fatimahkibticsesnzalihss ZainabaDervishesacathtaven Who was Mohammad's mother?ife?aid? boy?on?n?called?t?? AminahahlsDervisheslint Khadijahrervishesnglia Halimahkibticsesnzalihss AyishahDervishesacathtaven "How many cards are in an ESP deck? boy?on?n?called?t?? 25inahahlsDervisheslint 39adijahrervishesnglia 87limahkibticsesnzalihss 14ishahDervishesacathtaven 0How many stones are there in the Chakra system??ed?t?? SevenhahlsDervisheslint Fiveijahrervishesnglia Ninemahkibticsesnzalihss ThreeahDervishesacathtaven What doea "Chakra" mean?e in the Chakra system??ed?t?? WheelhahlsDervisheslint Strengthrervishesnglia Energyhkibticsesnzalihss Cosmic Mindishesacathtaven What doea "est" stand for?in the Chakra system??ed?t?? Erhard Seminars Training Extra-Sensory Testinga nothingkibticsesnzalihss Empathic Sensitivity Training What does "Huna" mean?for?in the Chakra system??ed?t?? That Which is Hiddenning Great Powerry Testinga Forbidden Knowledgelihss Enlightened Pathvity Training What does "sadhana" mean??in the Chakra system??ed?t?? Spiritual pathHiddenning Evil deederry Testinga Psychic attackledgelihss Good vibrationshvity Training ,What does the "newspaper test" try to prove?em??ed?t?? Life after deathddenning ESPl deederry Testinga UFOshic attackledgelihss Reincarnationnshvity Training /What is the most common form of psychic attack??ed?t?? Hag Syndromeeathddenning Evil Eyederry Testinga Juju Hexattackledgelihss Posessiontionnshvity Training )What is the Western term for "Feng Shui"?ttack??ed?t?? Geomancyromeeathddenning
Pychometryrry Testinga
Neuromancytackledgelihss Psychosynthesishvity Training #What was Eileen Garrett speciality?Shui"?ttack??ed?t?? Clairvoyanceeathddenning Precognitiony Testinga Pyrokinesisackledgelihss Clairaudienceishvity Training When did Edgar Cayce die?peciality?Shui"?ttack??ed?t?? 1945rvoyanceeathddenning 1965ognitiony Testinga 1930kinesisackledgelihss 1883raudienceishvity Training When was ECKANKAR founded ?ciality?Shui"?ttack??ed?t?? 1965rvoyanceeathddenning 1930ognitiony Testinga 1883kinesisackledgelihss 1945raudienceishvity Training When was Nostrodamus born??ciality?Shui"?ttack??ed?t?? 1503rvoyanceeathddenning 1312ognitiony Testinga 6663kinesisackledgelihss 1661raudienceishvity Training *When was the Divine Light Mission founded?tack??ed?t?? 1971rvoyanceeathddenning 33 BCgnitiony Testinga 1237kinesisackledgelihss 1956raudienceishvity Training When were ESP cards first used?on founded?tack??ed?t?? 1930rvoyanceeathddenning 1965Cgnitiony Testinga 1883kinesisackledgelihss 1945raudienceishvity Training 4When were the Marfa Lights in Texas first reported??? 1883rvoyanceeathddenning 1965Cgnitiony Testinga 1930kinesisackledgelihss 1945raudienceishvity Training 1Where did Carlos Castaneda graduate from college?ed??? UCLArvoyanceeathddenning UNLVCgnitiony Testinga UNC-CHnesisackledgelihss USF5raudienceishvity Training Where did David Koresh die?graduate from college?ed??? Wacorvoyanceeathddenning Jamestowniony Testinga
Millwaukeesackledgelihss Clevelandenceishvity Training Where did Jim Jones die?ie?graduate from college?ed??? Jamestownnceeathddenning Wacostowniony Testinga
Millwaukeesackledgelihss Clevelandenceishvity Training Where is the Findhorn community?ate from college?ed??? Northern Scotlanddenning Oregonowniony Testinga Icelandkeesackledgelihss Western Australiaity Training 'Where was Huna traditionally practiced?m college?ed??? Hawaiirn Scotlanddenning Israelowniony Testinga Indiandkeesackledgelihss Peruern Australiaity Training (Where was Psychotronics first developed? college?ed??? Eastern Europeanddenning Antarticaiony Testinga Indiandkeesackledgelihss San Fernando Valleyy Training Where was Uri Geller born?rst developed? college?ed??? Israeln Europeanddenning Hawaiiicaiony Testinga Indiandkeesackledgelihss Russiarnando Valleyy Training Where were ESP cards first used?veloped? college?ed??? Duke Universitynddenning UCLAiiicaiony Testinga NASAandkeesackledgelihss CIAsiarnando Valleyy Training $Which could Daniel Home NOT perform?ped? college?ed??? Teleportationtynddenning
Levitationony Testinga Psychokinesiskledgelihss Astral projectioneyy Training /Which firm conducted psychic archaeology tests?e?ed??? Mobius Groupntynddenning IBMitationony Testinga Shell Oilesiskledgelihss Duke Universityoneyy Training *Which is NOT a symbol in an ESP card deck?ests?e?ed??? DiamondGroupntynddenning Crossationony Testinga CircleOilesiskledgelihss Star Universityoneyy Training !Who coined the term 'Pychometry'?ard deck?ests?e?ed??? Joseph Buchanannddenning Roberto Assagiolitinga Raymond Moodykledgelihss Edgar Caycesityoneyy Training ,Who coined the term "Near-Death Experience"?ts?e?ed??? Raymond Moodyannddenning Edgar Cayceagiolitinga Joseph Buchananedgelihss Jean Houstonityoneyy Training 1Who coordinated the Harmonic Convergence in 1987?ed??? Jim Berenholtznnddenning Yogi Bhajanagiolitinga Farley McGivernedgelihss Jose Arguellesyoneyy Training Who developed Psychosynthesis?onvergence in 1987?ed??? Roberto Assagiolidenning Raymond Moodyiolitinga Edgar Caycevernedgelihss Jean Houstonesyoneyy Training Who developed Sacred Psychology?vergence in 1987?ed??? Jean Houstongiolidenning Carl Jungoodyiolitinga Robert Ellisonnedgelihss Harry Pricenesyoneyy Training +Who developed the concept of Synchronicity? 1987?ed??? Carl Jungtongiolidenning Robert Ellisonolitinga Harry Pricesonnedgelihss L. Ron Hubbardyoneyy Training )Who first reported Marfa Lights in Texas?y? 1987?ed??? Robert Ellisonolidenning Georgei Gurdjiefftinga L. Ron Hubbardnedgelihss Paul Twitchellyoneyy Training -Who first theorized the Harmonic Convergence?987?ed??? Jose Arguellesolidenning Jim Berenholtiefftinga Nostrodamus rdnedgelihss Farley McGivernoneyy Training 0Who first used modern technology to hunt ghosts??ed??? Harry Pricelesolidenning Georgei Gurdjiefftinga Paul Twitchellnedgelihss Tim ZellcGivernoneyy Training Who founded Dianetics?technology to hunt ghosts??ed??? L. Ron Hubbardolidenning Paul Twitchellefftinga Tim Zelltchellnedgelihss Peter Caddyvernoneyy Training Who founded ECKANKAR??technology to hunt ghosts??ed??? Paul Twitchellolidenning Georgei Gurdjiefftinga Peter Caddyellnedgelihss Robert Ellisonnoneyy Training &Who founded the Church for All Worlds?nt ghosts??ed??? Tim Zelltchellolidenning Peter Caddydjiefftinga Robert Ellisonnedgelihss
Carl Jungnisonnoneyy Training #Who founded the Findhorn community?ds?nt ghosts??ed??? Peter Caddyellolidenning Robert Ellisonefftinga Carl Junglisonnedgelihss Jean Houstononnoneyy Training 2Who founded the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization?d??? Yogi Bhajanellolidenning T. Lobsang Rampaftinga William Millernedgelihss Lynn Andrewsonnoneyy Training 0Who founded the John F. Kenendy Memorial Temple?n?d??? Farley McGivernlidenning Jim Berenholtzpaftinga Zeus Cosmoslernedgelihss Jose Arguellesnoneyy Training (Who founded the Nudist Christian Church? Temple?n?d??? Zeus Cosmosvernlidenning T. Lobsang Rampaftinga Yogi Bhajanlernedgelihss Lynn Andrewsesnoneyy Training .Who is known as ‘The Shaman of Beverly Hills’?e?n?d??? Lynn Andrewsernlidenning Jim Berenholtzpaftinga T. Lobsang Rampadgelihss Yogi Bhajansesnoneyy Training 1Who is the spirit that communicates via computer??d??? Kuthumidrewsernlidenning KaliBerenholtzpaftinga Katchasang Rampadgelihss Killimyrjansesnoneyy Training 0Who performed pychic surgery with a rusty knife???d??? Ze Arigorewsernlidenning Harry Priceltzpaftinga Fletcherng Rampadgelihss Jean Houstonesnoneyy Training 'Who predicted alien visitations in 1999ty knife???d??? Nostrodamussernlidenning Zeus Cosmosltzpaftinga William Miller adgelihss Edgar Caycenesnoneyy Training %Who said the world would end in 1843?99ty knife???d??? William Millernlidenning Zeus Cosmosltzpaftinga Nostrodamus er adgelihss Farley McGivernoneyy Training *Who started the "I AM" Religious Activity?knife???d??? Guy & Edna Ballardenning Ze Arigomosltzpaftinga Peter Caddy er adgelihss Tim ZellcGivernoneyy Training Who was Clever Hans?M" Religious Activity?knife???d??? A Russion stallionenning A French poodleaftinga A Japanese cat adgelihss An American eagleeyy Training -Who was Shirley MacLaine’s Atlantean brother?fe???d??? Ramthaion stallionenning Rampanch poodleaftinga Ramupanese cat adgelihss Ram-Shiraan eagleeyy Training Who was the channel of Lazaris?ntean brother?fe???d??? Jach Purseltallionenning Jane Robertsdleaftinga Paul Twitchell adgelihss Robert Ellisongleeyy Training Who was the channel of Seth?is?ntean brother?fe???d??? Jane Robertsallionenning Jach Purselsdleaftinga Tim Zelltchell adgelihss Charles Fortongleeyy Training /Who was the spirit that channelled Arthur Ford????d??? Fletcherertsallionenning FloydPurselsdleaftinga Ramthalltchell adgelihss Sethles Fortongleeyy Training !Who wrote 'Psychic Self-Defence'?d Arthur Ford????d??? Dion Fortuneallionenning Charles Fortdleaftinga
J.B. Rhinehell adgelihss J.A. Barkertongleeyy Training "Who wrote 'The Book of the Damned? Arthur Ford????d??? Charles Fortallionenning
J.B. Rhinertdleaftinga J.A. Barkerell adgelihss Peter Caddytongleeyy Training Who wrote ‘The Third Eye’? Damned? Arthur Ford????d??? T. Lobsang Rampaonenning Lynn Andrewsdleaftinga Zeus Cosmosell adgelihss Jose Arguellesgleeyy Training &Who wrote "New Frontiers of the Mind"?hur Ford????d???
J.B. Rhine Rampaonenning J.A. Barkersdleaftinga Charles Fortll adgelihss Peter Caddylesgleeyy Training Who wrote "Scared to Death"?the Mind"?hur Ford????d??? J.A. BarkerRampaonenning
J.B. Rhinersdleaftinga Charles Fortll adgelihss Dion Fortuneesgleeyy Training Who wrote "the Work"?Death"?the Mind"?hur Ford????d??? Georgei Gurdjieffnenning L. Ron Hubbardeaftinga Paul Twitchell adgelihss Carl Junguneesgleeyy Training &What is the Algonquin force of nature?hur Ford????d??? Manitou Gurdjieffnenning WakandaHubbardeaftinga Orendawitchell adgelihss TotemJunguneesgleeyy Training %What is the Iroquois force of nature??hur Ford????d??? Orendau Gurdjieffnenning WakandaHubbardeaftinga Coyotewitchell adgelihss TotemJunguneesgleeyy Training #What is the Dakota force of nature?e??hur Ford????d??? Wakanda Gurdjieffnenning OrendaaHubbardeaftinga Manitouitchell adgelihss TotemJunguneesgleeyy Training What does ‘Hohokam’ mean?of nature?e??hur Ford????d??? That Which Has Perishedg Gods of the Buffalonga
Evil Placehell adgelihss People Without Water Training *What is the name of the Feathered Serpent?Ford????d??? Quetzalcoatlas Perishedg Quetzal the Buffalonga QuatlPlacehell adgelihss
Quetzalikihout Water Training 4How many cycles of Heaven are in the Aztec calendar??? 13etzalcoatlas Perishedg 9uetzal the Buffalonga 6uatlPlacehell adgelihss 17etzalikihout Water Training 2How many cycles of Hell are in the Aztec calendar?r??? 93etzalcoatlas Perishedg 13etzal the Buffalonga 6uatlPlacehell adgelihss 17etzalikihout Water Training %How many long is a Mayan Great Cycle?tec calendar?r??? 5,125 yearslas Perishedg 125 yearshe Buffalonga 1,125 yearsell adgelihss 3,125 yearsout Water Training 7Disease Giver & Great Rabbit are which tribe's dieties? Winnebagorslas Perishedg Zuniyearshe Buffalonga Shastayearsell adgelihss Apacheyearsout Water Training (Which tribe practiced ritual dog eating?ribe's dieties? Cheyenneorslas Perishedg Diegueñoshe Buffalonga Chinookearsell adgelihss Hopiheyearsout Water Training (What is the Cree "Great Master of Life?"ribe's dieties? The suneorslas Perishedg Coyoteñoshe Buffalonga The earthrsell adgelihss The Buffalo Ghostter Training )Who practiced the mysterious Kuksu dance?ibe's dieties? Miwokuneorslas Perishedg Micmacñoshe Buffalonga Inuitarthrsell adgelihss Ute Buffalo Ghostter Training #Whose chief diety was Tirawa Atius?dance?ibe's dieties? Pawneeneorslas Perishedg Osagecñoshe Buffalonga Cochitithrsell adgelihss TiwaBuffalo Ghostter Training .Which tribe performed the Great Mystery dance? dieties? Poncaeneorslas Perishedg Pequodñoshe Buffalonga Wintutithrsell adgelihss Kalapuyaalo Ghostter Training 5Which tribe believed they were descended from wolves?s?
Snoqualmieslas Perishedg Slaveyñoshe Buffalonga Coosutithrsell adgelihss Yumapuyaalo Ghostter Training !Who is the Tewa "son of the son?"scended from wolves?s? Poseyemuieslas Perishedg Tirawa AtiusBuffalonga Skeenaithrsell adgelihss Chilkataalo Ghostter Training !Who built the Pyrimid of the Sun?scended from wolves?s? Toltecsuieslas Perishedg Incans AtiusBuffalonga Mayansithrsell adgelihss Diegueñoslo Ghostter Training Who fights the Water Monster?Sun?scended from wolves?s? Glooscapieslas Perishedg PoseyemutiusBuffalonga Tirawa Atiusll adgelihss Uncegilaslo Ghostter Training *What is the name of the Great Thunderbird?rom wolves?s? Wakinyan Tanka Perishedg PoseyemutiusBuffalonga Tirawa Atiusll adgelihss Glooscapslo Ghostter Training 6What is the name of the great snakelike water monster?? Uncegila Tanka Perishedg Wakinyan Tankaffalonga Poseyemutiusll adgelihss Tirawa AtiusGhostter Training 5Who was the Tlingit hero who wore magic halibut skin???
Stone Ribsanka Perishedg Man-EagleTankaffalonga Son of Lightll adgelihss
Little-ManusGhostter Training 7What is the name of the horrible flesh-eating antelope? Delgethibsanka Perishedg PoseyemueTankaffalonga Wakinyan Tanka adgelihss Tirawa AtiusGhostter Training %Who is the Cheyenne clever trickster?h-eating antelope? Veehothibsanka Perishedg CoyotemueTankaffalonga
Tunkashilaanka adgelihss KulshanAtiusGhostter Training 0Which tribe tells the legend of the Flying Head?telope? Iroquoisbsanka Perishedg OjibwayueTankaffalonga Tlingitilaanka adgelihss MaiduanAtiusGhostter Training %What is the name of the Yuma creator?lying Head?telope? Kokomahtbsanka Perishedg Tirawa Atiuskaffalonga Whee-me-me-ow-ahdgelihss CoyotenAtiusGhostter Training Who is the Acoma All-Mother? creator?lying Head?telope? Ia'tikhtbsanka Perishedg Nao'tsitiiuskaffalonga Tawai'nume-ow-ahdgelihss TyunamiAtiusGhostter Training Where does Huruing Wuhti live??eator?lying Head?telope? In the oceanka Perishedg Under a lakekaffalonga In all rocksw-ahdgelihss In a great oak treer Training 'What is the name of the Yakima creator?ing Head?telope? Whee-me-me-ow-aherishedg Kokomahtlakekaffalonga Tu-chai-paisw-ahdgelihss Tirawa Atiusak treer Training "Who is the sun god of the Pawnees?ator?ing Head?telope? Shakuru-me-ow-aherishedg Paiyatemuakekaffalonga T'ahnai-paisw-ahdgelihss AtaksakAtiusak treer Training Who is the sun god of the Keres?s?ator?ing Head?telope? Paiyatemue-ow-aherishedg Coyoteemuakekaffalonga T'ahnai-paisw-ahdgelihss AtaksakAtiusak treer Training Who is the sun god of the Tewa??s?ator?ing Head?telope? T'ahntemue-ow-aherishedg Shakurumuakekaffalonga Tu-chai-paisw-ahdgelihss CoyotekAtiusak treer Training &Who is the sun god of Northern tribes??ing Head?telope? Ataksakmue-ow-aherishedg Shakurumuakekaffalonga Paiyatemuaisw-ahdgelihss T'ahnekAtiusak treer Training 4Which tribe has a legend of the moon raping the sun?pe? Inuitakmue-ow-aherishedg Modocrumuakekaffalonga Wintutemuaisw-ahdgelihss MaiduekAtiusak treer Training ,Which tribe tells the legend of the Elk-Dog?the sun?pe? Blackfoote-ow-aherishedg Cochitimuakekaffalonga Métistemuaisw-ahdgelihss OsageekAtiusak treer Training *What is the name of the Penobscot creator?g?the sun?pe?
Kloskurbeh-ow-aherishedg Coyoteimuakekaffalonga Whee-me-me-ow-ahdgelihss Uncegilatiusak treer Training 1What is the Brule Sioux name for the Ghost Dance?un?pe? Wanagi-wachipiaherishedg Wakandamuakekaffalonga Whee-me-me-ow-ahdgelihss Wakinyan Tanka treer Training 7According to the Kiowa tribe, where did the buffalo go? Into a mountainherishedg Into the skykaffalonga Under a lakew-ahdgelihss Into Coyote's worldr Training Who is Iktome?he Kiowa tribe, where did the buffalo go? The Spider Mannherishedg The Wolf Boykaffalonga The Buffalo Girldgelihss The Beaver Womanrldr Training 5Which tribe tells a legend of bears walking like men?o? Modocpider Mannherishedg Yakimalf Boykaffalonga Siouxuffalo Girldgelihss Cherokeeer Womanrldr Training 6Which is true concerning the Jacarilla Apache Genesis?? Everything could talkedg Nothing could talkonga Man & Plants could talks Only Man could NOT talkaining 4Who tells of humans being created from a blood clot?s?? Uterything could talkedg Okanogancould talkonga Métis Plants could talks Pima Man could NOT talkaining *Which tribe tells the legend of Stone Boy?lood clot?s?? Siouxthing could talkedg Miwokgancould talkonga Cochitilants could talks Tlingitn could NOT talkaining /Which tribe tells the legend of Old Salt Woman?clot?s?? Cochitiing could talkedg Métisgancould talkonga Diegueñosnts could talks Wintuitn could NOT talkaining $Who first found Peote for the Sioux?Salt Woman?clot?s?? An old womanould talkedg A brave warrioralkonga A young boys could talks A virtuous girlNOT talkaining 8In the Caddo legend, what killed the 4 4-armed monsters? A greatTurtleuld talkedg Coyotee warrioralkonga A giant beaverould talks A three-headed wolftalkaining (What is the name of the great Pima hero?-armed monsters? Elder Brotheruld talkedg Earth Doctorioralkonga Vulture beaverould talks Talking Treeed wolftalkaining 0What tribe tells of a young girl eating herself?onsters? Wintu Brotheruld talkedg Hopih Doctorioralkonga Miwokre beaverould talks Pawneeg Treeed wolftalkaining "In Cherokee legend, the sun is...?ating herself?onsters? An old womanruld talkedg A mighty warriorlkonga A mystical forceld talks A great eagled wolftalkaining Who gave fire to the Cherokees?..?ating herself?onsters? Spider Womanruld talkedg
An old manarriorlkonga Coyoteical forceld talks Stone Boyagled wolftalkaining 6Who tells the legend of Little-Man-with-Hair-All-Over?s? Métisr Womanruld talkedg Blood-Pieganriorlkonga Osageeical forceld talks T'ahn Boyagled wolftalkaining 3Who tells of mosquitos created from a giant's body?er?s? TlingitWomanruld talkedg Cochitiieganriorlkonga Modoceical forceld talks SlaveyBoyagled wolftalkaining 0Which tribe tells of thunder created by 2 girls?dy?er?s? MiwokitWomanruld talkedg Wintutiieganriorlkonga Métiseical forceld talks Chinookoyagled wolftalkaining 2According to the Diegueños, who created the world??er?s? Tu-chai-painruld talkedg Whee-me-me-ow-ahlkonga Nao'tsitil forceld talks Tawai'nuyagled wolftalkaining -According to the Zuni, what did Coyote steal?orld??er?s? Sun and Moonruld talkedg Earth and Sky-ahlkonga Fire and Waterceld talks Summer and Winterlftalkaining 1Per the Slavey, where was Warmth originally kept???er?s? In a bagMoonruld talkedg Under a lakey-ahlkonga Beyond the skyceld talks In a magic tipierlftalkaining *Which tribe tells a tale of Butterfly Man?y kept???er?s? MaidubagMoonruld talkedg Miwok a lakey-ahlkonga Métisd the skyceld talks Modocmagic tipierlftalkaining 3Per the Kalapuya, where does Coyote get water from?er?s? The Frog Peopled talkedg A secret lake-ahlkonga An old womankyceld talks The Spider Manierlftalkaining /According to the Winnebago, who snared the sun?rom?er?s? Little Brothered talkedg Elder Sistere-ahlkonga Little Sisteryceld talks Elder Brothernierlftalkaining ,Who was the Modoc "Old Man of the Ancients?"un?rom?er?s? Kumush Brothered talkedg
Kloskurbehere-ahlkonga Kokomahtisteryceld talks Kalapuyaothernierlftalkaining .Per the Osage, where did all plants come from??rom?er?s? Elk hairrothered talkedg Spider websre-ahlkonga Elder Brother's bloodlks Feathersothernierlftalkaining ˚v ˙v kend of file. [^3]0Not enough meMythos.Oraclesr MDTAMYTH 4 MDTAMYTH 4 ØSt ï ˚·uldn’t load picker/editor. [^3]$Error opening a resource file. [^3]'Error during a new resource copy. [^3]Get Info for 'Not en b∞b∞ 3 z ˇ ˇ˛ K K @ @ òÄÄ @ K K G„û ˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇ ˛˛˛˛˛˛ ˝˝˝˝˝˝ ¸¸¸¸¸¸ ˚˚˚˚˚˚ ˙˙˙˙˙˙ ˘˘˘˘˘˘ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ˜˜˜˜˜˜ ˆˆˆˆˆˆ